Sunday, April 02, 2006

from one poet to another, ezeanah & nwachukwu

Back to the question, So Long ANight as you know is an effort to capture through the medium of poetry, all that I went through in the last one year when I went down as a result of threatening renal failure, which took me to South Africa for almost a year. My poetry in the past has revolved around varying themes. But the peculiarity of So Long A Night is that it is couched around that very near phantom-to-flesh experience that left me struggling between life and death.

Above is an excerpt from a conversation between two poets, McPhilips Nwachukwu and Chiedu Ezeanah. They talk around Nwachukwu's new collection of poetry, So Long A Night, a serious illness from which he is now recovered, and how the experience inspired the new poems. They also talk more generally about Nigerian literature and some of its adherrents, including the poet Ogaga Ifowodo, who was interviewed by Nwachukwu recently.


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